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Sabrina - LaFata Cabinets

Declutter - Organize with LaFata

Easy Organization Options!

The kitchen is the busiest room in any household. Cooking, eating, socializing, homework, it’s the catch all room for everything! Any items you can get off the counters will create much more space. When beginning your next kitchen remodel, take a look at all of the amazing organization options that we offer. We are able to create amazing inserts that create more space, less clutter, and a great organized space.


You want easy access for the staple ingredients when it comes to cooking. Salt, pepper, little drizzle of olive oil, all seem like necessities in many dishes. Instead of keeping them on the counter, LaFata offers awesome drawer inserts. Still easy to grab, but allows for much more counter space and less clutter.

Small Appliances

Even though they are called “small appliances” they really do take up a lot of space! Having multiple small appliances out on your counter isn’t very practical. LaFata offers plenty of storage options inside the cabinetry to hide these appliances as well. How awesome is this Kitchen Mixer pull out storage option? That is one great feature that could save plenty of space!

Small Goods

The daily items such as snacks, cooking spices, teas, all need a place to go. Get them off the counter and insert one of these amazing pull-out pantry accessories. Plenty of shelving to categorize, and allows for much less mess in the kitchen overall.

Coffee Time

We know there are plenty of coffee drinks out there, can’t start your morning without! No need to keep a carousel of k-cups, pods, or coffee container out on the counter. Here at LaFata, we have an amazing option to store all of your coffee, tea, and warm beverages. This pull-out has individual spaces for each type.

Waste Containers

A free standing waste container really does take up a lot of space in the kitchen. Here at LaFata, one of our post popular accessories is our waste container pull-out. Easily store your garbage cans in the cabinet, making your kitchen cleaner looking and more spacious.

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